Greenlight Fiber-Optic Expansion Brings in New Technology

Greenlight Networks has begun expanding in Gates. The high-speed fiber optic service is using new construction technology called micro-trenching to install the fibers.

The process involves making tiny cuts in the road and allows construction to move more quickly. It is convenient for neighborhoods that run on underground power.

Gates is the first of multiple towns in which Greenlight plans to expand and provide customers with faster Internet connections.


The company was acquired by Grand Oaks LLC, which is owned by Paychex co-founder Tom Golisano.


“I think it will completely change what they can do from home,” said Casey Henninger, marketing operations coordinator with Greenlight Networks. “I think it will also change the options for people so they will have the opportunity to work from home because we will be able to provide the bandwidth that they need for their jobs.”


Greenlight hopes to start connecting customers in Gates by the end of next week.


Within the next few months, Greenlight plans to expand in towns such as Pittsford, Brighton and Irondequoit.


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